Stage 1 Remap
Stage 1 Pricing
Our Full Stage 1 Package Using our dyno tested and proven remap. No off the shelf junk but a highly developed map to maximise performance safely.
All Stage 1 tuning is considered safe for a standard vehicle which is in good condition.
- Fully Dyno Tested
- Dyno Developed Map
- Remap Developed by Llandow Tuning
- Dyno Printout for Calibration
- Safe for Standard/Stock Cars
- 2 Year Warranty
- Full Aftersales Support
- Road Legal and Safe
- Better MPG
- 60BHP More Power
- 154NM More Torque
- Great for Towing
- Faster 0 to 60 Time
- Better Throttle Response
In the unlikely event there is a problem with the tune you will have our full backup, we’ll provide a complete vehicle diagnostic for free, and any issue will be investigated. Typically, issues are normally limited to modified vehicles where different intercoolers, exhaust systems, higher mileage or where other mods are installed and require some minor adjustments on our part to the applied recalibration and will be resolved for free. Should an issue be found with the vehicle, a full report will be given.
Stage 2 Remap
Stage 2 is any tuning where parts have been replaced and will need calibrating in to the vehicle. Our Stage 2 package includes whatever tested is needed to to ensure the map is as safe as it can be.
This could include intercooler upgrades, inlet upgrades, mods to the HPFP system, larger MAP sensor etc.
Larger turbos, cam mods, larger injectors are considered by us to be Stage 3 and thus require our Stage 3 service.
Stage 2 Pricing
Our Full Stage 2 is custom to your vehicle based on our exsiting research. It will include any needed dyno time
Stage 2 tuning can include any feature from Stage 1 or Stage 1+ plus addtional modifications for your hardware
You will need to have a detailed log of any mods made for us to be prepared to help you, sometimes you might need a full stage 3 tuning session. If you don't have a log and just bought the car then we will need to do this first also an engine health check might be a good place to start
Stage 3 Tuning
Stage 3 tuning is completly custom and starts at £450 per tuning session.
Tuning at Stage 3 levels means completly custom. As such a full tuning session is needed for all EFI vehicle where the cams have been changed, larger turbos fitted, injectors need rescaling, ECU has been changed to a stand alone etc.
Additional dyno time can be purchased (see dyno page under services) including before and after runs. To avoid disappointment ensure you ask about dyno runs at the time of booking as our dynos are generally fully booked
Other Common Tuning Services
We provide a wide range of recalibration services for this vehicle which can be applied to the engine ECU.
These services are billable seperatly. Starting at £35 to a maxiumim of £75 for any mix of add ons (where they are supported by the car)
All of these options are only available where we are tuning an ecu or where we have already tuned the ECU. If we have never seen your car before at the very least a Stage 1 tune is needed
- NOX Off
- OPF Off
- Decat
- O2 Sensor Off
- EVAP Off
- Exhaust Flaps Off
- MAF Delete
- Swirl Flap Off
- Speed Limit Off
- Immo Delete
- Active Grill Delete
- Kickdown Delete
- Seconday Air Pump / Anti Smog Delete
- Start Stop Delete
- BMW CVN Patch
- Hotstart Fix
- Switchable Maps
- Idle Speed Adjustment
- DTC/Fault Code Off
- Pop and Bang
- Launch Control
- Anti Lag
- Crackles and Overrun
- Hardcut Limiters
- REV Limit Adjustment
- BMW Performance Display Calibration
- VANOS/VVT Disabling
- SAI/Anti Smog Delete

Walnut Blasting for AUDI RS5
Carbon Builds up quickly in modern Petrol vehicles. Llandow tuning provides a complete Walnut blasting service where we truly remove all the cabron from the inlet valves.
BMW Sourced equipment is used and enables us to walnut blast everything fom a VG Fold, to Audi RS4 not to mention the odd AUDI RS5
Forget the chemical treatments, aka Forte, Tec4 or TerraClean. In our opinion we've tried these products and they simply didn't work as advertised
If your AUDI is over 50,000 miles and is a diesel or direct petrol injection then consider a walnut blast before a remap to see even bigger gains and better fuel economy.
Walnut Blasting
Inlet Removal and Carbon Removal using our Walnut Port Blasting Equipment
Brake Disc Skimming for AUDI RS5
In an ideal world you'd change your brake discs every time you change your brake pads. Why? Becuase the mating service is flat on a new disc and it isn't on a used one. Making a disc flat with an on car brake lathe resolve this issue and means you get the most from your new pads without compromising on performance
We can remove rust, lips and brake judder.
If you want to make your disks better than new on your AUDI RS5 our brake skimming service might be for you. Your discs will be matched directly to the runout of your wheel hubs meaning they are truly flat, something even a new disc cannot deliver.
Our equipment is OEM approved by Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, Ferrari and BMW
Brake Disc Skimming
We chanrge for disc skimming based on us also changing the pads and the assocated labour on the same axle.
Small Disc (From)
£10 per side
Large Disc (From)
£20 per side
Aircon Regas for AUDI RS5